Dr Manju Navani


Menopause Clinic in Cheshire

GMC registration : 4493617
Dr Navani is a Menopause Specialist and a Community Gynaecologist with 25 years of experience working in the NHS managing complex menopausal cases and gynaecological conditions. She also specialises in contraception. She has been passionate about womens health for her entire career.

There are many women who have been denied HRT inappropriately for past 20 years due to panic created by misinterpretation of results from the largest study published in the early 2000s. However, this has started to change in the last few years, but there still continues to be some confusion and controversy.

You can be assured of receiving unbiased evidence based treatment including Body identical HRT and Testosterone from Dr Navani with an emphasis on a holistic approach with lifestyle advice to improve your long term health.
Navani Menopause Clinic

Private Virtual Menopause Clinic

You can book appointments online and receive expert personalised treatment options. Medication can be sent to your home or prescribed by your GP and investigations arranged if required.

Please click the button below for further information
 on appointments and fees.
Booking an Appointment

Evidence based personalised treatments will be offered for the following conditions

Menopause in line with
The British Menopause Society and NICE guidelines.
Premenstrual Syndrome, Polycystic Ovarian syndrome, Contraceptive advice and prescriptions.

How can I help you?

Menopause and Perimenopause can affect a woman’s social, work and family life to varying degrees and for some it can impair the ability to enjoy life.
I can tailor treatment based on your symptoms and medical history, whilst helping you navigate the challenges of current HRT shortages and the long term impact that menopause can have on other health issues such as heart disease and osteoporosis.
I have devoted my time to providing excellent menopause care and education, offering evidence based treatments, including hormone replacement therapy (HRT), to help women get back to living their life to the full.
It may be difficult to believe now, but with the right type of care and approach, we can make living a full symptom free life with menopause a reality.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to me to get the help that you need and deserve. You will be given plenty of time to discuss your symptoms and concerns in detail.
This is a private Menopause Clinic run by Dr Manju Navani, a Menopause Specialist with an Advanced Certificate in menopause care, recognised by The British Menopause Society.
Dr Manju Navani is regulated by the General Medical Council – No 4493617
©2023 Navani Menopause Clinic