Testosterone Therapy for menopausal women
TESTOSTERONE can be added for symptoms of low sex drive, that has not been previously helped with other types of HRT.

Women should be treated for vaginal dryness and soreness with vaginal oestrogen first before adding testosterone as this can be a cause of painful sex and contribute to low sex drive.

There is anecdotal evidence it also helps other symptoms like fatigue, low muscle mass and strength, brain fog, headaches, concentration and bone health.

There are some testosterone preparations which can be prescribed off licence on the NHS. Androfeme 1%cream is licensed for treatment in Australia and can be prescribed on a private prescription only.
This is a private Menopause Clinic run by Dr Manju Navani, a Menopause Specialist with an Advanced Certificate in menopause care, recognised by The British Menopause Society.
Dr Manju Navani is regulated by the General Medical Council – No 4493617
©2023 Navani Menopause Clinic